Technistock Company Outing 2016
Work is very important in our lives. But it's also very important to have a break once in a while, ergo the company I'm working for has decided to go all in this year for our company outing. Destination: Thunderbird Resorts in Poro Point, La Union!!! *dances the hula*
The day before the outing itself, I've decided to stay overnight in our office because our call time was 4:30am, and if you know me, I'm not a morning person. Fortunately, Technistock's higher ups were very kind and decided that all of those who wanted to stay in the office were to be given a room in goHotels. I shared a room with two of my co-workers. I must say that I enjoyed my stay there even if it was just a budget hotel room.

We woke up at 3am and started preparing our things. We all met up in the office at around 4am and we're able to leave at exactly 4:30am. A round of applause to me and all of my office mates for being on time!
We were on the road for about 6 hours. Of course, most of that time I spent sleeping. Ha-ha. Once we arrived, we were greeted with this blue beverage that tasted like lemonade. They also gave us cold towels because it was pretty humid. When we were all done with the check in and what not, they served us lunch. The food was really delicious and I loved that they had so many things to choose from.
After eating lunch, we went and unpacked in our rooms. Being the easily-amazed person that I am, I was in awe of our room's view and the room itself. It had two huge beds (that are very comfortable!) and the bathroom really made me just want to stay in there and never go out! However, I knew that savoring the whole place was a better way to go so I dressed up and got ready for the photo shoot.
Background story: Maru, one of my coworkers, always goes the extra mile to dress up for memorable experiences and I decided to do the same, ergo we had a photo shoot of some sorts.
When the sun was finally tolerable enough for our skin, we finally decided that we had to wrap up the photo shoot and start experiencing the beautiful pool of the resort. To be honest, we didn't really stay that long. But Maru and I really bonded and talked about some deep stuff. Hahaha.
Although it was originally planned that the company would have a bonfire at the beach, they decided to postpone it due to the stinky smell the water was giving off. So after the dinner, we just had karaoke, which is an activity you can bet I will never be missing out on.
About 5 songs and an hour and a half later, my group and I decided that we'll go back to our room and play some board/card games!
I will never forget the part where we accused Mark of farting and being the werewolf (we were playing the card game Werewolf at this time) in the group. Our reason being that he's guilty that's why he's producing gas. Haha!
After about 5 games, some of the people decided that they'll go back to their respective rooms and call it a night. But I told them that we should play 1,2,3 pass! Funny thing is, right before we were about to play, the front desk called our room and told us that our neighbor was complaining about the noise we were making. So instead of the normal 1,2,3 pass game, it became 1,2,3 pass: The Silent version. I felt like I was growing abs from all the silent laughing we did!
The day after that wasn't really as eventful as the first one. All I did was sleep since I really wanted to make the most out of that luxury hotel room. Ha-ha.
At 12PM we took off for Manila and arrived at our office at about 6PM. I was worn out but I still had a smile on my face from all the memories I made.
Summary of our company outing would probably be: photo shoot, a lot of selfies, silent laughter, and a lot of memories!
Tell me about the voices in your head.