Badass Clothing feat. Awkward Posing

by - 10:41:00 AM

So as promised, here are the photos from our photo shoot in Thunderbird Resort!

To be honest, it took me a long time to pick the pictures that were decent enough 'cause I'm so awkward with my hands! Also, there were so many shots where my eyes were half way closed. Hahahahaha. I'm such a noob at this. (All the pictures are raw since I have no good Photoshop skills in me)

There's something in my eye!!

Brazo de mercedes. Hehe



My little sister wanted to include this 'cause she said it's "quirky"

So that's it. In reality, there were like 45-50 shots but alas, I am no model! Perhaps next time I'll do a better job and watch modeling/posing tutorials in Youtube. Haha!


Tell me about the voices in your head.