☯ A Life Lesson From Grandma Lois ☯

by - 3:00:00 PM

Do you ever have those moments when you just stop?
You stop and think of every action and why you do it.
Why do I write?
Why do I listen to these songs?
Why does Adventure Time make me happy?
Then.. you see someone, making the best out of every moment and your thoughts change.
Why am I not doing that?
Why is insert-name-here better than me at insert-acquired-talent-here?
Why am I so envious of people who are better than me?
You keep asking these questions.
But you already know the answer... you just can't accept it.

You're envious because you know you can be just as good.. or even better, but you never pursue it.
Why not pursue what you want?
Too lazy? No inspiration? Or fear of failure?
Whatever the reason is, it leads to one thing: It's you who's stopping yourself.
Point being, you shouldn't stop. Keep moving.
Don't be your own enemy and be the change you want to see.


Tell me about the voices in your head.