After Effects of Being Struck by Lightning

by - 5:01:00 PM

One cold Sunday night, my brother and I decided to see "Struck by Lightning". My brother kept billowing that it was a really good movie so I decided to watch it. Besides, it's Chris Colfer and I just cannot say no to how adorable he is. And wha'd ya know? The movie was phenomenal. I read reviews of the movie, and sadly, people seem to think otherwise. Some say that the characters were built too hollow and the story line seemed a bit cliche. But what they couldn't see is how realistic the movie was. It showed how life can bring you down so many times, but the only thing you can do is fight, that even if it's hard to get back up, it still is a choice whether to get back up or give up. I think the movie made so much impact on me that's why I loved it so much. The passion and hard work Carson (Chris Colfer) brings to everything he do is simply marvelous. I just thought everything in the movie was genuine. It's a teen movie, and I can't blame movie-watchers to think that it is cliche. But all the things said in this movie was complete reality. Well, except being struck by real lightning though ;)

My favorite lines from the movie:
"Like having a great idea, life comes at you fast. It hits you and tries to escape and be expressed in any way possible. In a way, it's a lot like...lightning."
- I loved this line the moment it escaped from Chris' mouth. I can relate to this in so many levels. You form a great idea and you just want to express it in any way possible, in my case writing.

"...because a life without meaning, without drive or focus, without dreams or goals, isn't a life worth living."
- This struck me really hard. 'Cause I don't know where to go yet, I have no idea what I want yet and that made me kinda worried.

"You've got to show the world who you are before it tells you. Otherwise you become victim to someone you're not."
- When I was still a really little girl, more petite than I am now, I always thought that you have to please everyone, but as movies, TV series, books and my own experiences taught me, you really can't. Just as long as you're pleased with yourself and you love what you're doing, nothing else really matters.

"Sometimes a personal rain cloud can be deadly."
- I've always been a pessimistic person. Hell, my brother even gave me a nickname, "The Nega-Star". Ha-ha. But I've learned that taking pity on yourself doesn't really improve anything. It only makes you feel worse. So after a series of unfortunate events, I realized that rather than going on your own pity parade, it was better to hold your head up and move on. 'Cause life won't stop when you get down, it continues, and so should you.


Tell me about the voices in your head.